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Live Animals

The Burlington Science Center is part of Burlington Public Schools and houses approximately 60 different types of live animals.  We hold both Massachusetts and U.S. Fish and Wildlife permits/licenses to utilize protected wildlife for educational purposes.  The animals are cared for by Wendy Pavlicek, assistant Sarah Fleischmann and with the assistance of High School Science Center Aides.  Animals are loaned out to classrooms, used as classroom pets and featured in educational programs. The animals are also fostered and cared for by Burlington families during vacations, holidays, and the summer.  Proper printed care sheets, supplies, and verbal instructions are distributed with each animal that leaves the Science Center.  All animals are delivered by Science Center staff.

Animal Policy

The Burlington Science Center, Burlington Public Schools Director of Nursing and the Town Animal Control Officer have developed an animal policy to insure the safety of the students and teachers in Burlington.  Click here to see the Science Center’s Animal Policy. Please contact the Science Center with any questions regarding animals in the classrooms. Classroom teachers are to check with the Science Center before allowing a student to bring in an animal from home.

Live Animal Programs We Offer:

Classroom Pets:

The Science Center provides the animal, cage, food and shavings for the classroom for the year.  The classroom provides all the care and attention, including long weekends and vacations.  Ms. Pavlicek does a short presentation on the animal, including care and handling and spends some time answering student questions about their class pet. 

Animal Loans

 (Up to 2-3 weeks):  The animal, cage, food, bedding and a care sheet are delivered upon teacher request.  Each animal comes with a hands-on kit, filled with lots of educational materials for your class.  Ms. Pavlicek will provide a short care lesson and answer questions if possible.  A great addition to your class for observations and activities.

Special Programs

Ms. Pavlicek offers a variety of classroom animal programs for the K-5 Science Curriculum units.  These are typically using animals that a classroom teacher can not have as a loan.  Animals include: falcon, owl, alligator, large snakes, adult snapping turtle, hedgehog, and many more!


We provide the tank, filter, fish and food for the K-5 classrooms. 

Science Center Aides and Volunteers

High School students can sign up for our animal husbandry class during the school year to assist us with daily animal tasks.  They can take our class in lieu of a study period and gain extra curricular credits.  Students help with things from animal care, animal enrichment and packaging materials for classrooms.  They are an invaluable asset to our program!


1. Cheryl - October 24, 2008

Love all of your animals at the burlington science center!!! My favorite is the bantham chicken!!! proud to see the picture on your site! 🙂 Keep up the good work with all of these wonderful animals!

2. Courtney Tolliday - December 13, 2008

Hi Miss P

I love this new website!! The animal pictures are great. I absolutely love coming down to the science center during study it is so much fun. The new ferrets are my absolute favorites but peaty (aka checkers) the corn snake will always have a special place in my heart. I could go on and on telling you how much I love the science center but i think i ought to just go watch you on bcat (the 12/9 episode). My friends and I happened to come across the bcat channel and I saw you on it and that is how we came to this website. When i realized that you could comment I just could not resist!
; )


3. Angela & Rosemary - September 10, 2009

Hi Wendy

I LOVE this Blog! Love the pictures!


4. Laura - November 14, 2009


We think you should have pictures of Flower, and Harry! Maybe even include the picture of you, ,Joey, Laura, and Cricket-we would love that! But you dont need to-you really shouldn’t, we’re not THAT good!

Laura, Joey, and Michele

5. kayla baker - May 12, 2010

hi wendy,
im kayla baker i love your blog im from pine glen i was the girl in the pink and brown shirt.

6. Jessica Travers - February 27, 2012

Hi Wendy,♥
I love this blog and all the animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥

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