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How can we contribute to our town and government? Third graders interview Town Meeting members and Burlington employees to find out! November 7, 2023

Posted by Sean Musselman in Uncategorized.
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Town Clerk, Amy Warfield shares about her role in town elections and what led her to serve and continue serving the Town of Burlington.

Francis Wyman third graders have been investigating our town’s past and present over the past month, learning about how Burlington has changed over time, how citizen’s of Burlington have contributed to the town in the past, and how our elected officials and town employees serve Burlington today! Their investigative unit recently wrapped up with an “interview day” featuring Town Meeting Members from the Francis Wyman neighborhood and Burlington employees from Town Hall as well as the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

Town Meeting member, Shari Ellis and Rec Department Director, Brendan Egan share with Mrs. Boucher’s third graders.

Town leaders supported students exploration of what governments do, how local governments are organized in Massachusetts, and how people participate in and contribute to their communities by sharing the efforts of their peers as well their own unique contributions through their roles in town.

Town Meeting member, Kevin Spielberger and Assistant Conservation Administrator, Eileen Coleman with students in Mrs. Maiorana’s class.
Town Meeting member, Schiffon Wong and School Committee Chair, Martha Simon share with Mr. Stead’s classroom

The experience was a great success for students, educators, and our volunteers who were so thrilled to share with their civicly-engaged constituents! Thank you to, Betsey Hughes, Shari Ellis, Schiffon Wong, Kevin Spielberger, Christine Conceison, Martha Simon, Brendan Egan, Amy Warfield, and Eileen Coleman for setting aside time to share their experience serving Burlington with our students!

Thank you to all our volunteers and educators for making the interview day special and informative for our third graders!


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